Beef Bone Broth

January 10, 2024 • 0 comments

Beef Bone Broth
Indulge in the incredible benefits of homemade beef bone broth with this simple yet wholesome recipe. Discover how easy it is to make, surpassing the health benefits of store-bought alternatives. Give your taste buds a treat while nourishing your body by trying out this delectable beef bone broth recipe.


  • (1.5 -2 lbs.) Beef Soup Bones
  • (4-5) celery stalks
  • (1 cup) carrots
  • (1/2) yellow onion quartered
  • (2 t) salt
  • (1 t) cracked pepper
  • (2) fresh rosemary stems
  • (3) fresh thyme stems
  • (2 whole) garlic cloves


Put all in a large crockpot and add water until a little over half full. Cook on high for 10-12 hours. Strain off the liquid and put in jars. 

Freeze the broth for use within 6 months. If desired, refrigerate before freezing so that you can skim off any hard fat that forms or solidifies on the top.

*The meat and vegetables can be saved to add to a soup or stew. Save the marrow in bones and fatty meat pieces to make the steak topping!
