Not Your Ordinary Beef

written by

Katie Miraglia

posted on

July 11, 2020

Not Your Ordinary Ground Beef!

Our ground beef is not your ordinary ground beef. Our beef is raised on mineral rich natural prairie grass all it's life (the way God intended), we never give our cattle steroids or hormones, and always treat our livestock humanely. This creates an excellent, high quality beef that is nutrient dense, tender, and has a concentrated flavor. 

Our beef is simply a healthier product. Most beef sold in stores is finished on grain. This creates those giant briskets and huge steaks you see at restaurants, however, it also contains high levels of saturated fat and omega-6 fatty acids, which increase inflammation. Our cattle never eat grain. They solely eat their natural diet of prairie grasses. Our grass-finished animals have a huge amount of omega-3s throughout their bodies, which are anti-inflammatory. The beef also contains conjugated linoleic acid (CLA) which is known to help people burn fat, maintain weight loss, retain lean muscle mass, and control type 2 diabetes. According to the National Library of Medicine, CLA is 300–500% higher in beef from grass-fed cows than grain-fed cows. Grass-finished beef also has other vitamins and minerals that increase endurance, reduce fat, and promote muscle growth.

On top of all that our beef taste great! It's tender, juicy, and has a wonderful beefy flavor. We want you to try it!

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